martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Hello everyone, I`m Rocío Montesinos Ferrándiz and this week I have been the analyst of my group.

The best part of the activity was work with other groups and working together to make a new conceptual map on the topic that we have had. The worst part was read the BOE and the new LOMCE and compares them.

This week we have lived a lot of moments, the best was when we finished ours conceptual maps because we think that we had made a good work and we was very proud.  On the other hand, the worst moment of the week was when we decorated the conceptual maps because the lines are rolled and It was complicated to fix it.

This week we have learned an Overview of the Educational System and the organizational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education. Also we had learned how to use the program Mindmeister.

On my point of view I think that the best thing that we have as a group is the comradeship. We are classmates but also we are friends so we work very well together. On the other hand we should improve our creativity and we should spend less time thinking about the activity because we lack time to carry out it.

In this activity we can see a clear evidence with the politics, because  it is the government who decides the education system.

Post made by: Rocío Montesinos Ferrándiz

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