viernes, 11 de abril de 2014


Hello everyone! I am Yolanda , the curator-farmer this week.
 As a curator farmer this week ,  I was very confused because there were not resources to put on my part of the pearltree. The last week we made the mind maps about "Changes in The Spanish Educational 
System Overview" and this week we have continue the actvity , preparing the game that we are going to do the next week , so we have been summarizying the most important question about each topic and then we have had to choose between all the questions just the most important to play the game  , reviewing the cards and preparing the game , so we have not use web pages or any resource to do it.
I have include in the pearltree the final conceptual maps that we have achieve mixing the most important ideas of the conceptual maps which corresponds to each group , and where we have found the most important aspects for making our questions.
This week  , in my group we have work all together searching the most important aspects of the education law , it has been a hard week and I think  we should  continue like that.
 Here it is our pearltree  , I hope you like it!

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