lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Hello, I´m Marta Saura and I have been the curator farmer this week. The activity of this week was a little bit different from the previous weeks because it consisted of a summary of all that we have learnt in School Organization. For this reason, the content that we have used was taking from the previous activities that we had done. 
In the following pearl tree you can see the information that we have chosen from each activity and the video that we have done with all of these information. Also, we have put some interesting aspects, such us to use new technologies and resources or advices that londones said to us when she came to our class, (related with the teacher´s role and with the aim to change the conception of education and the old methodology) because we thought that they will be very useful in our future work with children.
In fact, the use of new methodology (for example, to use moovly, blogger, twitter...) could change the current conception that we have of teaching and to improve children´s learning. We have searched some information about how to use all of these instruments and you can see it in the pearltree. You can learn how to create an account or how to manage them in an easy way, explained by some documents. Sometimes, new things scare us, but we can see that only reading a little bit and investigate into some webpages, we can get a lot of information to develop and improve our work.

I hope you enjoy with our video and also I would like that you learn a little bit from the information that we have collected.

Post made by: Marta Saura Hernández, curator farmer.

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